JT wrote: 🕐 10-06-23 15:37The NIKKOR Z 135mm f/1.8 S Plena is a prime lens known for its exceptional brightness. Its name, derived from Latin, signifies a state of complete spatial fullness. This lens aims to excel in light capture, producing pleasing background blur (bokeh), and delivering sharpness from corner to corner of the image.
Nikon meticulously crafted this lens to ensure consistent brightness across the entire frame. Its 11-blade diaphragm and substantial rear glass element contribute to creating a circular bokeh effect and adding a three-dimensional quality to images. With its 135mm focal length and wide f/1.8 aperture, it allows for creating a shallow depth of field, enhancing your photography experience. Unlike the Noct lens, the Plena supports autofocus, but it lacks built-in vibration reduction (VR). This lens consists of 16 lens elements in 14 groups and has a weight of approximately 2.2 pounds or 995 grams.
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JT wrote: 🕐 10-02-23 21:41We are pleased to announce the annual Zeissimages.com photography contest in collaboration with our sponsor Zeiss, photography division.
As in previous years, our contests begin in the fall and run through December so that the winner can enjoy their prize during the holiday seasons.
The contest is open to members of Zeissimages.com starting on Oct 4th 2023. If you are not currently a member, you can join for free.
This year there will be no specific theme in general. However, you could say we are looking for that "Wow!" factor. Whether it be landscape, portrait, street or studio. We are looking for that image that keeps you coming back to view over and over.
The winner may have their choice of the one lens from the following list which will be provided and shipped directly from our sponsor Zeiss.
[*]Zeiss Batis
[*]Zeiss Touit
[*]Zeiss Milvus
[*]Zeiss ZM (21mm f2.8, 25mm f2.8, 28mm f2.8, 35mm f2, 35mm f2.8, 50mm f1.5 or 50mm f2)
Good luck !
Full details here https://www.zeissimages.com/messageboard/37
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-27-23 12:59You can provide simple links to your profile with zessimages.com in the url to make it easy to share on other sites by simply prefixing with your username.
For example
will go directly to my profile page.
[b]Do NOT[/b] put https in the link as it will not pass the security test and throw a warning. You can use http which will redirect to https for you.
If you have a dot in your name, then just remove the dot. so a user name with john.doe would just be jondoe
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-24-23 10:02I for one am super excited with everything I have read and seen about it. It will be a perfect companion to an existing FM3 or F3.
I think Nikon has really raised the bar with this new retro / modern camera and I for one, am getting one to use with my old F mount lenses!
Fuji. Watch your back !
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-17-23 15:24Just wondering if you think you will use it and post some stories.
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-09-23 21:17If you wanted to style some of your messages, posts, comments etc, here are a few tips.
Place your text between
[b] for bold [/b]
[code] to display code block [/code]
[quote] to quote some text [/quote]
[i] for italics [/i]
[u] to underline [/u]
[s] to strike through [/s]
[pc] to center align text in a paragraph [/pc]
[pl] to left align text in a paragraph [/pl]
[pr] to right align text in a paragraph [/pr]
[size=18] to set the font size in pixels [/size]
[color=red] to set the font color [/color]
To show an unordered list like
• Ford
• Chevy
• Jeep
Use the following
[*] Ford
[*] Chevy
[*] Jeep
To Show an ordered list like
1 Ford
2 Chevy
3 Jeep
Use the following
[*] Ford
[*] Chevy
[*] Jeep
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-08-23 12:07That's right. Free classifieds for the time being. No fees. Take advantage and post your ads now. Time to sell some of that gear you don't use anymore.
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-03-23 22:17Ever wanted to replace a photo with a better quality version of it or higher resolution without losing links, views, likes, comments etc... ? Well now you can. I added the ability to replace an image.
Simply click the edit options for the image and Follow the link under the "Replace image" option.
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JT wrote: 🕐 08-14-23 13:25Yes. Very soon you will have the ability to create a story with your pictures. A photo essay with selected images to tell a story. What a great way to convey your scene or topic to others. These will be featured for all to see and read. Still working on functionality. But, hang tight.
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JT wrote: 🕐 09-01-23 21:04So I have noticed that my images look fuzzy on the website. The reason being is because I have a 4k monitor and my display settings on the computer is set to 150% so things don't look so small.
Lightroom knows about this and handles the pixels density and ratio properly. However, the web browsers do not. Therefore, in my case, images look 150% and pretty bad.
having said that, If I export from lightroom and save as a 4000 pixel image, the its scaled down in the browser a little and it looks decent.
Here is an example of the image exported in 4000 pixel
compared to 2000
I can try and code around this but I thought this would be a temporary solution.
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JT wrote: 🕐 08-08-23 17:45I am curious how you found out about Nikonimages. Please share.
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JT wrote: 🕐 08-04-23 08:31In an effort to keep the site specific, please delete any photos that may have been migrated by accident that are not specific to Nikon gear.
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JT wrote: 🕐 08-01-23 08:05FAQ list.
[b]How do I set my background pictiure to a specific one?[/b]
Edit any of your pictures, and click on "Apply as background". The button is near the bottom. Now that picture will always be youi background image when someone views your profile.
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JT wrote: 🕐 08-01-23 07:41Just like Nikonimages, I have brought www.Leicaimages.com back online on its own as well. Next is Zeissimages
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JT wrote: 🕐 08-01-23 07:37I just implemented a Message Board reminiscent of the old style bulletin boards where we can create messages that are open to replies and feedback. It's meant to be simple and to the point like the old days. No categories or overhead. Just simple messaging for everyone. Write what's on your mind, report a bug, request a feature. ask a question, share something new it doesn't matter. It's there for communicating with the community. Use the search feature if you are looking for something specific.
Access the message board from the top menu or https://www.nikonimages.com/gallerysoft/messageboard
JT 😊
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JT wrote: 🕐 07-31-23 23:42I have just been moving things around here on the server and making enhancements to the site. If you find any issues, this should be the place to report bugs you encounter. I will get to them as soon as possible. Obvioulsy serious bugs get priority.
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JT wrote: 🕐 07-31-23 23:41Yes, As you can see, we are back to the old ways on Nikonimages.com.
The merging of sites was not a good idea and now Nikonimages.com is back from the dead.
I am Still in the process of cleaning up and removing non Nikon content so please be patient. I have made significant enhancementsto the site and fuctionality and there still is more to come.
Thanks JT
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JT wrote: 🕐 07-31-23 22:32I will be the first to admit it. The consolidation of the websites has failed miserably. It is painful for me to admit it, but I am a realist.
Members have made it clear they like the old niche private club of Leica owners with a dedicated website for them and a place to share their pictures. Having said that, I have brought Nikonimages back to life from the dead with afew jolts of lightning juice and lots of cursing to myself.
You will need to create a new password. Simply visit nikonimages.com and click on the Sign in link at the top and then when the form appears, click on Forgot password and your password will be reset.
Some things to keep in mind. ...
I have removed the forums software which rarely was used since most discussions on the site take place via photo comments.
I have removed most of the Non Leica related photos but some still linger. We will have to live with that.
I will create a private messagingsystem very shortly and we can reach out to each other via that interface.
Every now and then I will post interesting news and events on the home page.
Please be patient. This is a one man shop and I make mistakes in the code now and then. But, overall, its a unique site we all like.
Things are not perfect but we will get there. Nikonmages has been around for nearly 20 years and I am glad everyone here is a contributor to the site with their awesome photography. If this works, I will be hosting a new contest in celebration of renewed activity and participation once the zombies awaken again :)
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